Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Rock and Roll Chef / Rocken Hash Browns

Rocken Hash Browns Recipe

I like my hash browns just the way Denny’s or Zippy’s cooks hash browns. Now you can also cook hash browns just the way you like to eat hash browns. You will never need to buy very expensive frozen hash browns ever again.

Just peel as many potatoes as you need, make extra because everything will get eaten up for sure. Use one of those 1950’s kitchen graters to hash you potato, use the side that has the large holes. Hash up you potato, and chuck into a fry pan that you have heated up with olive oil. Fry off your hash browns the way you like to eat your hash browns. If you like your hash browns soft, then cook about six minutes, if you like crispy hash browns, then just cook them as long as you want. Do taste along the way so that you will not overcook your hash browns.

Just have fun, impress your friends and family with your professional rock and roll Rocken Hash Browns!

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