Monday, April 27, 2009

The Rock and Roll Chef / Really Orange Rice

Really Orange Rice Recipe

The Rock and Roll Ingredients:
Rice / Orange Juice / Dried Cranberries

This is my twist to cook rice a different way. It’s all about adding flavor! You will not believe how simple this recipe is to excite your friends or family. In a rice cooker or in a pot on your stove, dump in two cups of rice. Then pour in orange juice to just a quarter of an inch over the level of the rice. Push the button on your rice cooker, or turn on your stove to boil the orange juice around your rice.

I thought that while you are waiting for your rice to cook, you would enjoy this photo taken at 5:49am April 26th, 2009 of the sunrise at Waikiki Beach. Sit back and rock and roll dream a bit!

Once your rice is cooked, then fold in your cranberries, and serve. Watch the faces smile, this is the best way to add flavor to your next rice dish. Give this a try, you cannot go wrong. Have fun, you will never cook rice the same way again!

Rock and roll Really Orange Rice delicious!

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