Monday, April 27, 2009

The Rock and Roll Chef / Baked Caribbean Jerk Chicken

Baked Caribbean Jerk Chicken Recipe

Wow not a beef recipe, my word! This is my take how to cook Baked Caribbean Jerk Chicken. This is rock and roll easy, so just get stuck in and give it a try. In fact I will have few instructions here so pay attention and just follow along with me.

The Main Ingredients:
Chicken Breasts / Pepper / Salt / Honey / Caribbean Jerk Seasoning

There are not so many ingredients for this recipe. Now here we go! In a bowl dump in one table spoon of the spices and mix it all together. Then coat the breasts with the spice mixture. Dump on all of that, two tablespoons of honey for each chicken breast.

Place your chicken breasts on a baking rack in a roasting pan. Cover the roasting pan tightly with tin foil. Place the chicken breasts in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for a total of 22 minutes. Uncover the pan during the last eight minutes, and continue baking.

In the meantime get your rock and roll side dishes ready as your chicken breasts are almost ready. Scroll down to get all of the side dish recipes.

Left: French Fresh Fried Cut Beans
Center: Really Orange Rice
Right: Rocken Hash Browns

Once your chicken is done, let it rest for at leach 10 minutes, go and set your table or jog around the block, not. Anyway get your table set up, and get all of the team at the ready to eat. Slice your chicken breasts, and then plate everything up.

One more time, have a great Baked Caribbean Jerk Chicken, rock and roll!

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