Monday, April 20, 2009

The Rock and Roll Chef / BBQ Sauce Home Made

BBQ Sauce Home Made Recipe

This is the easiest way to make BBQ sauce in the world. In fact you will never purchase expensive BBQ sauces again! Give my take of the best rock and roll BBQ sauce in the world. Follow my step by step easy instructions and you also will have great rock and roll BBQ sauce. Don’t be afraid, just get stuck in and do it!

The Main Ingredients:
One can of chopped tomato, chopped fine onion, chopped fine garlic, dijon mustard, red wine vinegar, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, sun dried tomato, chilli powder, chopped fine ginger, nutmeg powder, and cinnamon powder.

The Rock and Roll Process:
This is so simple. Get one of your pots on top of your stove, and turn on low heat. Throw in all of your ingredients, and one tablespoon of each spice. Let that come to a simmer, turn it off, and let it cool down. Now in a blender, or one of those stick blenders, mix it all together. Heat back up again, and that is it. Keep it in your fridge for about a week, or in a sterile jam jar for a couple of weeks. Just make as much as you need, do not have any waste. Other options is to use some ginger, liquid smoke, cumin, or just experiment as you cannot go wrong. This BBQ sauce costs a fraction of store bought BBQ sauces.

It’s that Rock and Roll easy, have fun!

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