Monday, April 20, 2009

The Rock and Roll Chef / Blow Me Up Beef Wellington

Blow Me Up Beef Wellington Recipe

This is my take on a recipe that is almost as old as food. This is a simple recipe but very tasty meal that will fill up your rock and roll team. You may think that there are so many steps, but just follow along and you will see that blow me up beef wellington is a very simple recipe to make. Rock and roll tasty for sure, and have a hoot with this one!

Starting with showing the completed wellington above, suggesting two ways to serve. The photo on the left is plain, and the wellington on the right has a BBQ sauce and some additional meat added. You can serve your wellington either way or even experiment with you own favorite sauces. Just scroll down and see my recipe for my rock and roll BBQ Sauce. Now onto the instructions, and remember this is really easy to make, you can cook it!

The Main Rock and Roll Ingredients
Ground Beef / Mushrooms / Onions / Spinach / Cheese / Puff Sheet Pastry

The Rock and Roll Spices:
Black Pepper / Chervil / Salt / Dijon Mustard / Olive Oil / Cajun Seasoning / Garlic Powder / Cayenne Pepper / Onion Powder / Paprika / Soya Sauce

Okay listen carefully, firstly wash your hands right now. Your sink is right there, use it! Any rock and roll chef cleans their hands when handling food. Remember one thing, clean hands is clean food, right? Chop up your mushrooms and fry them off till they are about half cooked, wash your hands. Chop up your onion, and fry off till they are about half cooked, then wash your hands again. Fry off your hamburger till it is about three quarters cooked, you know by now, please go and wash your hands. This is when you dump in one tablespoon of each of your spices into your cooking hamburger. Don’t worry, toss them all in and fry the spices off for about five minutes with the hamburger. We are nearly there, that was the hard part. Also you can experiment with the sauces that you like, really you cannot go wrong with my blow me up rock and roll beef wellington.

Now we are ready for the build, let's go!

Ready a clean dry cutting board and place your puff pastry sheet on top.

I then paint a thin layer of my own rock and roll BBQ sauce as this will add to the flavor. Don’t put too much on the puff pastry sheet as we do not want to much water inside, water is not cool.

I then spread out the cheese on top of my rock and roll BBQ sauce.

Throw on an even layer of your mushrooms that you fried off.

Dump on your hamburger and onions.

Then on top of all of that add about three layers of your rock and roll raw spinach. With your kitchen brush, paint on an egg wash around the puff square pastry. This will help to stick everything together.

Fold over the sides of your blow me up wellington, and paint on another layer of egg wash on the folded sides.

Fold over the end of the puff pastry, and egg wash all of that. Don’t worry as you cannot use too much egg wash. Crimp all of that with your finger tips. Work it now, no need to be light, crimp it! Don’t forget to wash your hands, hey.

Fold over the top half of your wellington, crimp, and egg wash all of that.

Now place your wellingtons on a baking sheet that you have oiled so things will not stick. I made two, but you can make one rock and roll wellington, or as many as you want. Bake in your rock and roll oven at 220C for about 20 minutes. Check out the progress after 20 minutes, you may need 5 more minutes just to further brown your wellingtons.

Remember that you can add any of your favorite sauces on top of your wellingtons. Now just sit down and enjoy your Rock and Roll Blow Me Up Beef Wellington!

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