Monday, April 6, 2009

The Rock and Roll Chef / Beef Burritos

Beef Burrito Recipe

The Rock and Roll Chef is truly excited to present to you my take on my rock and roll burrito! This is really an easy dish to make. Do not worry or be scared as there is little chance to mess this burrito up. In fact the more you make this dish, the better you will get at making my rock and roll burrito. I will take you through the step by step recipe to impress your family and friends with all of your chef skills. If you do not have some of the ingredients, then again don’t worry. Pick up ingredients along the way. Here I’m making a beef burrito, but you could also try, chicken, fish, shrimp, and pork. Have on your favorite rock and roll music, and let’s get cooking!

Let’s together walk through the ingredients for The Rock and Roll Chef’s rocken burritos. Sometimes I will not inform you of the quantity needed as I want you to just give it a try. It also depends how many people you will feed! Put your fry pan on the hob, and turn to low hear with a splash of olive oil, heat till hot.

The Main Ingredients:
Ground Beef / Chopped Purple Onion / Grated (any) Cheese / Tomato Sauce / Hot Sauce / Lemon Juice / Olive Oil

The Spices:
Paprika / Garlic / Onion / Cayenne Pepper / Black Pepper / Chervil / Salt / Mustard Powder

Fry off your ground beef, add in your onions, add in your tomato sauce, add in your spices, and fry all that till well done. Be sure that there is no liquid left in the fry pan, so if there is a bit left, then just fry a little longer. Turn on your grill to heat it up, clean and dry off your cutting board. We are getting ready to build our Rock and Roll Burrito very soon.

Place two burrito shells on your hot grill, and fry for about two minutes on each side. Place the shells on your clean and dry cutting board, overlapping the shells. Spoon on your cheese in the middle of the shells, leaving the shells clean so that we can fold the burrito. Spoon on your ground beef mixture on top of the cheese. We are getting there, now I’m really hungry!

Spoon on your onions on top of the beef, then spoon on any hot sauce on top of the onions. We are ready now! Fold in the side of your burrito shells, then fold over the shell closest to you. Just one more step to go!

Roll your burrito over to enclose all of those delightful ingredients inside. That cheese is melting inside right now. Plate your burrito and top with a tablespoon of hot sauce. Now you are ready to Rock and Roll eat!

Good Fun / Good Eating!

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