Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Rock and Roll Chef / Best ColeSlaw

Best ColeSlaw Recipe

You will never need to buy coleslaw again if you use my easy to make your own rock and roll coleslaw. This is so easy, just give it a try. Do let me know how your slaw turned out. Here are the easy to follow steps.

The Main Ingredients:
Chopped Purple Cabbage/ Chopped Green Cabbage /Chopped Purple Onion and Chopped Carrots

The Spices:
Black Pepper / Chervil / Salt / Dijon Mustard / Olive Oil / lemon Juice / Mayonnaise / Vinegar / White Wine Vinegar / Horseradish

Chop all your veg, and get ready a large mixing bowl. Mix all of the vegetables in your large mixing bowl, use your hands that you just washed. Chuck in a splash of lemon juice and olive oil. Get yourself a teaspoon and throw in your pepper, chervil, salt, dijon mustard, and horseradish. Add in a tablespoon of white wine vinegar or white vinegar along with a tablespoon of mayonnaise. Mix all of that together. Taste and season with any ingredient that you would like to add in.

If you can, it would be best if you refrigerate your rock and roll coleslaw for at least a couple of hours to allow all of the flavors to dance together. Do enjoy your coleslaw with almost anything as a salad or side dish. You can bet that they will be lining up for more.

Have fun cooking and do enjoy your rock and roll coleslaw!

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